By allergic - 21/10/2010 03:12 - France

Today, I found out that I have a gluten allergy. What this basically means is that I can't eat anything with wheat in it; bread, pasta, cake, you name it. I am Italian, this basically limits me from eating any of the awesome food my family makes almost every night. Here I come plain rice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 731
You deserved it 3 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are gluten free flours out there -not at good as the real thing but still work-able. it's awful at first but eventually you learn to adapt and barely even notice the difference.

I've got that too ;( Believe me that sucks!


SML1 2

I have that too there's this really great bread it's called udi's and then as for pasta if you have like a whole foods or a trader joes in your area they have pasta made out of rice that you can eat and it's honestly not bad at all..hope this helps I was in the same boat I LOVE bread :(

You should do some research about your allergy, because there are glutenfree 'substitutions' available for all the things you just mentioned.

Yuech. I have the same problem and it SUCKS. Good luck :(

ThickHead 0

omg me itlain too love the food!!

DarlingNikki91 4

Awe my aunt has it too. They make a lot of food without it though.

tmena04 0

celiac disease?? my mom has it. she found brownie mix, cake mix, brown rice pasta, even gluten free bakery!! i don't know if you already knew all of this but I hope it helps!

Arya1990 7

I'm sorry to hear that! it's not quite as restrictive as it seems right now though-you can get just about all of that in gluten free forms these days. if you find the right aisles in your supermarket, you should be able to find gluten free breads, pastas, cake mixes, flour (if you bake from scratch) etc. FYL, OP. Hope you can find a way to still eat your families awesome cooking!

you should feel lucky, i have an allergy to wheat, yeast, cocoa, tomato, potato and caffenne, so if u think thats hard imagine what its like for me!!!

don't they make gluten free pasta and stuff now??