By allergic - 21/10/2010 03:12 - France

Today, I found out that I have a gluten allergy. What this basically means is that I can't eat anything with wheat in it; bread, pasta, cake, you name it. I am Italian, this basically limits me from eating any of the awesome food my family makes almost every night. Here I come plain rice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 731
You deserved it 3 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are gluten free flours out there -not at good as the real thing but still work-able. it's awful at first but eventually you learn to adapt and barely even notice the difference.

I've got that too ;( Believe me that sucks!


booooo......&this made me hungry for yummy italion food.

my sister has celiacs and even though it seems pretty devastating know, more and more companies are taking it into account and are coming out with tons of gluten free food.

my mom and my aunt have celiacs. we used to eat a lot of Italian food, we still she goes to certain stores and gets gluten free spaghetti or noodles and other stuff you can eat

cradle6 13

Get over it. I'm allergic to gluten, soy, eggs, dairy, peanut, and whey.

that's ridiculous my sister can't eat sugar, wheat, or dairy and she gets along fine there are endless amounts of alternative flours to use and you are by no means confined to rice all you have to do is look

my mom has this.. celiac disease.. there are tons of yummy substitutes!! and p.s. rice has gluten in it as well

chris_brownieee 0

(For the other commentors: Celiac disease is not the same as a gluten allergy. They are two very different reactions in the body.) My Italian fiancee has Celiac disease and, like you, cannot eat wheat pastas. One thing that has made her feel much better about it are the Tinkyada pastas that are made with brown rice flour (they are gluten free). They make an excellent substitute :)

It sucks but you don't have to have plain food. My Mum has it, there's a chance I have it as well. You just have to find things that you can eat. Try to work with fresh ingredients when it comes to making sauces or salads for things and it'll likely have no wheat in.