By Bec99 - 15/02/2019 19:00 - Australia - Bassendean

Today, I found out I have celiac disease. I also happen to be a baker and will be constantly reminded of all the wheat products I can no longer enjoy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 437
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

breemonster 13

Abel and Schafer have an excellent gluten free line for product. Now is the time to convince your boss to start carrying it.

bl3ur0z3 17

My son was just diagnosed with Celiacs disease. He's 6 and lives on cupcakes so this is devastating. I've been looking into gluten free recipes and there are a lot of them. The key to a good gluten free dessert is in how you mix it. Since the gluten free diet is a popular fad, you'll find plenty of room for expansion if you own the bakery. Or you'll be a unique asset to a new bakery offering gluten free options.


breemonster 13

Abel and Schafer have an excellent gluten free line for product. Now is the time to convince your boss to start carrying it.

bl3ur0z3 17

My son was just diagnosed with Celiacs disease. He's 6 and lives on cupcakes so this is devastating. I've been looking into gluten free recipes and there are a lot of them. The key to a good gluten free dessert is in how you mix it. Since the gluten free diet is a popular fad, you'll find plenty of room for expansion if you own the bakery. Or you'll be a unique asset to a new bakery offering gluten free options.

You won’t be “eating into the profit,” so you’ll be financially successful. Or at least your boss will.

Suaria 38

My boyfriend has Celiac's disease. You can make some pretty good desserts that are gluten free. At least now you can figure out how to make gluten free desserts and expand your market into people that have gluten intolerances or Celiac's.

wrhapsody 10

you can totally make this a positive - start baking gluten free!!! you know how hard it is to live with Celiac's... do something to make it easier for you AND others!!!

I worked at a pub, and people who didnt like the chibata bread(has a light dusting of flour on the bottom) ect would say they were a ceilac, of course everone in the kitchen has to get new gloves on ect, well the most memorable was a lady said she was a celiac,claiming a deathly allergy to flour,what does she order ? the onion rings. At that point i lost my shit and yelled from the back of the kitchen "WHAT IN THE FLYING **** DOES SHE THINK THEY'RE BATTERED IN!!!" To which the lady walks up to the kitchen and says its ok because they're just bugged me so much,like her stupidity hurt my brain. anyway hope this cheers ya up a bit.

gingacutie96 9

This is def hilarious but for celiac’s also super sad cause so many food service workers don’t take celiac seriously and I ended up in the Er last summer as a result of that. It stinks how often I have to leave places cause of that so peope who do that crap only make being safe way harder on celiac’s. But at least they make themselves look dumb

Aphrodite 20

Sorry to hear that. I hope you understand this means you have to avoid gluten/wheat like the plague.

gavanator127 8

I have celiac as well, so I definitely feel you there

gingacutie96 9

I have celiac too. Have for 5 years. As a baker it should easy to make gluten free stuff taste great. If you can’t then that speaks to your skill as a baker cause we still make amazing stuff all the time with my food science degree.

gingacutie96 9

Also from one celiac to another, flour is airborne. Baking with wheat will prevent your intestines from ever healing. Id do some research because you could end up with cancer and a boatload of other stuff if you continue to be contaminated daily by baking with wheat flour. It stinks but it’s the unfortunate truth, youll only screw yourself if you continue to.