By TheRawrza - 26/04/2009 09:47 - United States

Today, I was at a pool party. Standing outside of the pool, I was hesitant about taking my shirt off. A girl in the pool shouted "Hey, you're not the only fat one here, don't feel bad!". I was worried about what my friends would think of my new bellybutton ring, I don't think I'm fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 243
You deserved it 8 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

La_la_loo 0

The girl probably assumed that she didn't want to take her shirt off because she thought she was fat. A lot of girls who are super skinny think they are fat so she was probably trying to coax her.

If you were hesitant to take ur shirt off, y did u get a bellybutton ring in the first place?


BulldogQB4 0

First. And that really sucks btw.

528Alice491 3

You're probably not, I mean if you can get your belly button pierced, then you're right to think you're not fat! What a twat... Pay her no mind! We need more girls who aren't ashamed of their bodies, fat or not!!

You're not supposed to get in a pool at least 6 months after getting a bellybutton piercing anyway, as it can get infected.

I was just fine and I changed my belly button ring a week after I got it pierced

pippysthename00 0
tennisgirly 0
itsmeyippie 0

her friends didn't think she was fat, it was just someone random

alex_vik 0

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There's nothing wrong with belly button piercings. I, and many of my friends, feel better about they're bodies with them.

La_la_loo 0

The girl probably assumed that she didn't want to take her shirt off because she thought she was fat. A lot of girls who are super skinny think they are fat so she was probably trying to coax her.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you for not being a stupid commenter who doesn't get it. I completely agree with you.

redshortsx 0

exactly! she could have used better wording but it's really not a big deal at all.. whiter it's about weight or her belly ring, op still has low self esteem and is self conscious about what others think of her.. so if the girl thought she might be anorexic she shouldn't have been so brash

iBiteRoses 22

Very true. I'm glad there's SOME people on this site who don't say "YDI for (insert stupid reason here)" You guys are way better.

Don't get a belly button ring if you're self conscious about how you appear.

If you were hesitant to take ur shirt off, y did u get a bellybutton ring in the first place?

she prob thought that they wouldn't like it so she was questioning wheather or not to take her shirt off derrrr!!!!!

She didn't know if her friends were going to like it.

She might've thought that her friends would call her a ****, or something along those lines

She was probably joking, but if she wasn't then what a bitch.

itsmeyippie 0

it's quite obvious she wasn't joking, noone there knew she had the ring therefore someone assumed it was because she was (or thought she was) fat

Please stop trying, 104. Your comment didn't have anything to do with the post you were replying to.

washburn_fml 0

How new is the bellybutton ring? You might not even be allowed to go into the pool yet, if it's really new.