By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 01:28 - United States

Today, I found out my wife is pregnant. The problem is she convinced me to get a vasectomy two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 486
You deserved it 3 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't jump to conclusions. maybe it didn't take.

some men end up getting more than one vasectomy because it doesn't work...


Vasectomies don't always work. I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

YUNO_fml 0

hellooooooooo. artaficial incemination

Macromartyr 3

Only a sith deals in absolutes...

sepdps 0

sometimes they fail; seriously. I'm not joking. it prolly is your baby

If you got a vasectomy during your marriage, in order to prevent having more children, then your wife should have undergone sterilization as well. It's not fair to prevent one partner from, in all likelihood, ever having children again, and let the other get away scot-free. I'm sorry to hear that you (rightly) suspect your wife of cheating. Get tested, and if it doesn't work out, the best of luck to figuring out a solution to your problems. Just remember that it isn't the kid's fault. It never is.

dude, vasectomys can fail. go to the doctor before you make a bad decision

can you un-vasect your nuts and get a different girl knocked up?