
By V.. - 08/11/2020 20:58 - South Africa

Today, I still have no idea why I got married. All my wife does is drink Coke and watch TV. Perhaps the silver lining is that she's not doing coke in powder form. FML
I agree, your life sucks 810
You deserved it 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean... what was she like before you tied the knot? The majority of people don't do a personality 180 the day after the wedding, so it's unlikely you didn't know she was like this beforehand. Also it's hard to tell from your post if she's completely lazy AF or just a homebody and you're the 'out and about' type.

Yummi_913 18

No use wasting your one and only life attached to someone you have zero affection for. Just get a divorce. It might hurt your wallet initially (and maybe then some) but the freedom to live a better life with someone you ACTUALLY like far outweighs the greasy couch goblin weighing you down till your end days.


I'd say powdered coke would be better than what you're dealing with now

tell her to get off her ass and do something

Yummi_913 18

No use wasting your one and only life attached to someone you have zero affection for. Just get a divorce. It might hurt your wallet initially (and maybe then some) but the freedom to live a better life with someone you ACTUALLY like far outweighs the greasy couch goblin weighing you down till your end days.

or, they could start with counseling.

Yummi_913 18

You go to counseling when there is something left to save. He said he has no idea why he got married. So clearly this woman and being with her means nothing to him.

I mean... what was she like before you tied the knot? The majority of people don't do a personality 180 the day after the wedding, so it's unlikely you didn't know she was like this beforehand. Also it's hard to tell from your post if she's completely lazy AF or just a homebody and you're the 'out and about' type.

There isn't all that much to do during this pandemic. Sounds to me like she's doing her part towards it. You're expecting too much right now.

coius 23

Maybe ask her to find a hobby? She may be able to sell things she makes and bring in some money. That would give her a purpose, let her contribute to living costs and find an enjoyable work opportunity.

Okay, this is concerning. I would assume you married her because you loved her and wanted to share your life with her, but the tone of your post implies that you married her because you expected her to keep house for you. That’s a problem. Second of all, I have never met anyone who watched TV all day on a regular basis who wasn’t suffering from depression. So maybe stop being judgmental and help her seek treatment. YDI if you can’t see past your own expectations and recognize when a loved one needs help.