By anon - 25/10/2010 05:42 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend watches porn. Specifically, today, while I was in the shower. In the next room. We were alone in the house and he still chose porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 721
You deserved it 7 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least it wasn't gay ****....was it?

Sad. Really, this is sad. I'm thinking, why didn't you invite him in the shower, but maybe you did and he refused. Sad. There is nothing wrong with watching **** in a relationship. There is something wrong if the **** becomes more important than sex/the relationship itself.


Tell him to get in the shower with you. Get naked and all wet and just stand there and Stare at him and eventually you and him will be having sex and enjoying it


There is no pressure with **** and no thinking about whether or not you are liking it. Sometimes man just needs to clear the pipes. :)

90%+ of men who watch **** get out of bed next to a willing partner. It's an addiction. Stop making it about you.

i feel you dude...same thing with me and I'm even hot and seriously sexy i could literally be a Victoria's secret model still I'm second to ****

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