By Username - 21/08/2011 09:59 - United States

Today, I found out apparently, I have a weird looking vagina. How? My boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. He took one look at my vagina and with a look of horror said, "I have never seen one this GROSS." He's a gynecologist and probably sees 20 vaginas a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 912
You deserved it 7 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bryyxoo 0

Real vaginas are better than fake boobs

IndiRae 9

I disagree. Most people who go to the gynecologist have 'issues'. What gynecologist can honestly say that they're glad to go to work to examine a bunch of strangers vaginas, examinations that usually start with "It started itching" "There's this weird bump" or even "No I didn't catch his name".


I'm so sorry. he is an asshole and you don't need to put up with his insults.

Wow, your boyfriend is an asshole. It shouldn't matter what your ****** looks like; a vadge is a vadge. Seriously, dump his ass. He doesn't deserve you.

Majstr 23

All are beautiful. If you disagree I have bad news for you.

sexijlow 0
little_monster21 0

omg. that's by far one of the worst fmls I've read. I can't even laugh. your life sucks if your bf thinks your vaginas gross....but you deserve it for not taking good care of your lady parts.

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

148 that was hilarious! I was gonna say.. "what's wrong with a ton of cheese on the taco?" But your comment was awesome!

Maybe you should do something about your hygeine.

White_Knightspc 0

You may now refer to your Vag as Pandora's Box. Because it may not ever get opened.

SlickWillyTFCF 5

I don't think gross would have actually referred to the look of it. Maybe you should clean it every now and then.

Get away from this guy asap. Insulting you like this is abusive.