By CollegeKid - 27/10/2015 10:28 - United States - Urbana

Today, I found out all six classes I'm taking have finals on the same day. This is my first semester in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 245
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can change the time of those finals if u have more than 3 on the same day or same time. That's how Our university is.


You can change the time of those finals if u have more than 3 on the same day or same time. That's how Our university is.

I came here to say the same, so apparently it's a common thing.

mds9986 24

Hmm, in mine it is your responsibility to take classes that don't have finals on the same day because all the dates for finals are posted well ahead of registration.

Not all universities allow for that though #3. My uni made the rule "no more than 2 on the same day" (except in the case of special classes who had their finals start at 10pm, in which case it was automatically 3).

zeffra13 31

Same. Even though final dates are posted ahead of time, my school understands you can't always get into all the classes you need and not have all the finals supposed to be on the same day. Explain your situation to each professor as soon as possible and they'll see what they can arrange. (At my school, the teacher gets the final decision on who takes what when, since they're in charge of grading it.)

45- not all schools do that, mine doesn't.

Whyismydogcrazy 5

57 - mine didn't either. Finals schedule was posted a week or 2 before Finals week. There was no rhyme or reason to it. My 9:30am Tue/Thu class had it's Final at 7 or 7:30pm Thurs evening, and my 8am MWF was I think at 5pm Thurs? weird stuff like that.

Why the hell did you register for 6 classes your first semester?

The best time to take more classes is during your first year so that you can get all the basic classes out of the way.

Some programs, or even just the specific term itself, has more than a weeks worth of classes. Believe me.

I have seven. It's not that hard unless you don't keep up with it.

It also depends on how hard your college makes classes, particularly entry level classes, and depends on if any of your classes have labs. No offence, but if you have 7 classes and have no problem keeping up with it, your college is probably pretty easy and you didn't push yourself when choosing where to go.

18- If you have 7 classes and it's easy you're probably in the wrong school. Wait, maybe you're in high school! It all makes sense now.

He's saying he has seven classes, but that probably includes lab. He also didn't say how many credit hours, or what classes, that could easily include 1 credit hour PE classes.

I am #18 and am a freshman at WVU, taking 7 classes, totaling 18 credit hours in mechanical engineering. I am currently enrolled in Chem 115, Engineering 101, 150 & 199, Calc 155 (calc 1), RPTR 140 (gen ed), and English 101. Oh, I'm sorry, if I include my 3 hour Chem Lab, that adds up to 8 classes. And I work 19 hours a week. College is only hard if you dick around and don't do the work. I'm proud to say I have all As and one B.

I still definitely think six finals in one day TOTALLY freaking sucks! FYL, OP.

kk21days 14

My first semester of my freshman year was this: Lecture+lab; 4credits; biology Lecture+lab; 4 credits; chemistry Lecture; 3 credits; algebra Lecture; 3 credits; English 101 = 6 classes; 14 credits

nitrog100 21

Talk to me when those course numbers are all in the 3 and 400 range.

wow, this is against the rules here in Poland. You can have only 1 final a day. Talk to advisor, student body representative at your college. and gl with all the learning :3

You can request to take tests on different days. Go to a testing center!

That's a lot for one day, but at least you're done at once

Try talking with your professors and advisor. Hope you do well OP!