By CollegeKid - 27/10/2015 10:28 - United States - Urbana

Today, I found out all six classes I'm taking have finals on the same day. This is my first semester in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 237
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can change the time of those finals if u have more than 3 on the same day or same time. That's how Our university is.


corky1992 33

Wow. The school I went to made sure we never had more than 2 in one day. They considered any more than that as too stressful. Good luck! I hope you get it figured out. Listen to everyone and go talk to an advisor to get it changed.

Talk to your advisor and/or professors. And get used to it, OP. University and college is more work than high school. You're gonna have some really sh!t days where you're busy for hours on end. You're gonna have days where you need to pull all nighters to get things done. But it's all worth it, so keep your chin up.

I'm not sure how it works in America, but in Canada you can definitely have a few of those exams moved around

Talk to you advisor and all your professors. Also, double-check the schedule, because that's pretty weird.

mads_nicole 19

Welcome to college. I recommend prepping with lots of coffee and redbull. Then celebrate with lots of alcohol and sleep.

Welcome to college! It's unlucky, but it happens. Just study the best you can and give it your all. Good luck OP!

Symantha23 25

Talk to your advisor to try to change things around

If you talk to your professors you can attend different exam days. Professors that teach multiple classes in the same course have different final days/times so you can move most of them to different days as most professors will say they won't make you take 3 exams in a day so you could get 4 moved