By CollegeKid - 27/10/2015 10:28 - United States - Urbana

Today, I found out all six classes I'm taking have finals on the same day. This is my first semester in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 237
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can change the time of those finals if u have more than 3 on the same day or same time. That's how Our university is.


Perfect!!! Get them all done in one day!!

Not sure how it works in the states, but in the friendly country up north, students who are scheduled for more than 3 exams in a day are excused from some of them and those ones are moved to another date. I would bring it up with your school and see if such rule applies to it.

you kidding me that rocks! after that one day, you're done, that's it.


It's on the syllabus. How did you now know?

gatorgirl7563 22

Explain the situation to your teachers and ask to take some finals early. I know that sucks, but at least that will spread the tests out and overwhelm you less.

if its anything like mine you still have an add drop period. you can drop a few of your classes take different ones and take the ones you dropped another semester just make sure that the ones you drop aren't ones that are only offered every few years

A lot of colleges will let you take exams earlier or later if you have some in one day.