By thetallone - 23/02/2010 08:05 - United Kingdom

Today, on the way home from a night out, I crossed the main road in my town via the traffic lights. As I got to the other side, a guy turned to his two friends and 'whispered' with a look of disgust, "I would have run that one over." Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 609
You deserved it 2 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf? Ge wanted to run you over cuz he didnt think you were hot? Thats wrong on so many levels. Future sociopath.


you shouldve thrown something at his car as he drove by

bettadenne1 0

how do u know what they said??? sounds like BS to me

blazingman311 1

A valid point! I see everyone here bypassed this major point by making the critical mistake of assuming the OP has ears. You genuine retard.

LOL at blazing! try flashing your boobs at them next time.

@5 - Reread the post dumbass. That is all. Thankyou for your time :)

if ur ugly u deserve it if ur hot then I'm sorry

Wtf? Ge wanted to run you over cuz he didnt think you were hot? Thats wrong on so many levels. Future sociopath.

Kel_x 0

Poor you, but that's hilarious. Notice how if you're out of England people aren't that abusive? I miss England, I never should have moved.

iSwag 0

really? lol not saying you deserve it but it is kinda funny

nickforthewin 0

did you notice the sarcastic 'whispered' part, smart one?

aww op, i wouldn't have run you over :[

greeneyedgoalie7 0

besides the obvious sarcasm, nowhere in the post did it say the guys were in a car. they were probably on the other side of the street