By OiVey - 01/11/2017 18:30 - United States - Padre Island Ntl Seashor

Today, I found out that I've been taking the wrong math class all semester. We're only a few weeks from finals and I have no drops left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 302
You deserved it 1 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azouwa 26

If you're passing I wouldn't worry. Call it a good lesson for you. Next semester just pick up the correct one.

PenguinPal3017 19

What is a drop? Like you have a certain number of classes you can drop then not pay for or something?


azouwa 26

If you're passing I wouldn't worry. Call it a good lesson for you. Next semester just pick up the correct one.

Even if they’re passing the class they’ve been attending, it’s likely they won’t receive credit for it because they’re not registered for that class. If OP wants to pass the class they’re actually registered for, they’re gonna have to buckle down and learn an entire semester within a few weeks which is next to impossible especially since they have other classes to tend to, not to mention they probably have zeros on every other assignment in the class so acing the final probably won’t even be enough to pass the class.

azouwa 26

No. I'm pretty sure he registered for the wrong class. He's mad because he wasted his time, his GPA is fine if he's passing. You can't just walk in every day and sit in the wrong classroom. Eventually your instructor will notice your name on assignments and tests when putting grades in. They'll let you know. If you didn't pay they don't want to teach you.

PenguinPal3017 19

What is a drop? Like you have a certain number of classes you can drop then not pay for or something?

Basically. For some schools and even in some states you get a certain number of drops. You have to drop a class within the first few weeks of class (usually 3) to get a refund and it won't show 'dropped' or 'W' on your transcript. But if you wait a couple of months after classes starts you will receive a 'W' on your transcript w/o a refund. Depends on your university and more importantly your state.

PenguinPal3017 19

Thanks for the info. I never dropped a class but I'm pretty sure at my university there was just a date that you had to drop by and it didn't matter how many times you did it, just whether you dropped early enough.

And the colleges that utilise this drop system give you a certain number of drops you can have before they make you drop out and reapply.

ohsnapword 21

So, when your name wasn't on the roster, you didn't think anything of it?

His name is on the roster, that's why he's complaining about his drops. You can't drop from a class you're not registered for.

I thought he was complaining about drops because he wanted to drop the math class he is actually registered for so he doesn't fail it for not showing up.

Lobby_Bee 17

All you can do now is try to recoup your lost money. Offer failing classmates to do their exams for them for a small "fee".

Yes, compromise your academic integrity and risk penalties because that'll make the situation better.

LeBunBun 2

Did you never look at your timetable?

Haven’t your tests come back as “Who the **** are you?”

What was your first clue? The math problems were too easy, or that all your classmates were six years old?

krnp613 1

omg!!! the worst part is that it was the counselors fault right?!?! This happened to a fellow classmate :$ he wasted the whole summer session in the wrong course....

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

I’m with everyone else. Something about this just doesn’t add up. I mean you were in that class multiple times and no one mentioned that another class was minus a student? But I guess with all the other students in the class the teachers attention would be pretty divided. Although I sympathize! I they had devoted even a fraction of the morning to do attendance you wouldn’t be in this problem.