By mareda - 01/02/2012 19:31 - United Kingdom

Today, I flew to England to visit my boyfriend, who has been working there for the past three months. I went to his hotel and waited for him; he never showed up. I called one of his colleagues to ask him what was going on. He had no idea what I was talking about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 033
You deserved it 3 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brelywi 15

Aww that sucks. On the plus side, cute boys with English accents are all around you!!

Wh...wh...what? You mean a CT scan of a crushed skull doesn't turn you on? Pictures of steak knives soaked in blood don't get you riled up? What the hell is the MATTER with you, son? You need serious psychiatric help.


I guess he doesn't like confrontation.

You know guys, he could've just been transferred, it doesn't mean that he met him online, or has never met him before...

Peshkie 4

That is true. We don't know the whole story.

Aha sucks for u .. Your boy friend is ******* around

That really sucks, but you should totally make the most of your time there.Have a blast!!

So, I guess that means you're single now.

Why would you fly all the way to England without talking to him about coming? You're stupid.

HetaliaFreak 10

Maybe he ate food made by the British people and died.

BabyMimi00 12

He's more likely to die from your food, as it has more artificial crap in it.

HetaliaFreak 10

This is true. However, it's just a stereotype that English people can't cook.