By are you kidding me - 20/10/2014 04:53 - United States - Wichita

Today, I showed up to work and my boss was nowhere to be found. A phone call later, I find out he's in Dubai. Oh, and since I'm his personal assistant, I should be able to take care of matters until he gets back. I've only been his assistant for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 955
You deserved it 2 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe you could speak to his boss, if there is one? At least since you're new you'll probably be given a little slack. Good luck, OP! Just do your best and maybe if you do a good job you'll get a pay raise out of it, haha. ;)


Maybe though if OP does a good job taking care of things they'll get a promotion/raise

incoherentrmblr 21

Talk about throwing you under a bus...

thats exactly what I was about to say! #22

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Maybe you could speak to his boss, if there is one? At least since you're new you'll probably be given a little slack. Good luck, OP! Just do your best and maybe if you do a good job you'll get a pay raise out of it, haha. ;)

Submit all of his paperwork in text talk and sexual inuendos.

"oh bby u kno I alwys wrk hard. hardr den a brick in a blizzard."

I wouldn't think of it as bad really. He trust you and it would be your moment to shine! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Use it at your advantage

Time to shine op. Hopefully doing a good job will allow for a step up the corporate ladder. Edit: # 1 best me to it .

Less than an ideal start to your new job there, OP. Sucks to be you

Being appointed as a PA for an important person, I'm sure you're qualified enough and you have the required ability and skills to tackle all the problems. I'm sure you'll be fine, good luck for it!

If she's been there for a week, OP won't know the systems or processes of the company, so this is completely irresponsible of her boss, not least because he didn't tell her and give her contacts for help.

ashalayx 13

maybe its just a test to see if you can handle things without him there

HeadlessSparrow 20

how rude! you're his personal assistant and he didn't ask you to come with him!

Now your the boss. FIRE HIM!!!!! Hahahahaha

don't be afraid to make a decision based on what's right and your experience, and press hard now to find out who your subject matter experts are. Time to herd the cats!