By MariadelMar - 19/08/2009 15:03 - United States

Today, I flew 8 hours to visit my boyfriend. When I arrived at the airport, and he started taking long to show up, I checked my email to see the info. I hit the junk mail by accident and found his last 10 emails in there. He had broken up with me a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 637
You deserved it 16 287

Same thing different taste

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YDI for not configuring your junkmail filters. Why would you take such a long trip, and expect him to meet you at the airport after not hearing back from him in a week? Normal people confirm these arrangements a day or two prior to flight.

VioletteSkies 0

I'd say FML because you just flew 8 hours but also YDI for not calling him before hand


ashole1990 10

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y did u have his mail go to junk mail... and not talk to him for a week... no wonder he broke up with u

6JAX9 0

sometimes it just goes to junk mail. I've had it happen before it's really annoying. op: lol that sucks but if u had to fly 8 hours to visit him then probably good he broke up with you

Kylias 6

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VioletteSkies 0

#2 - It's OP's fault. You're saying it was the boyfriends fault/mistake for breaking up with his girlfriend? Think about it...

Lolbrittany 0

He shouldn't have to pay U: there was obviously some fault he saw in her to break up with her. maybe if she met his standards he wouldn't have dumped her and she wouldn't have taken an 8 hour long trip to see her now-ex. B)

mo_the_owl 0

Well, he obviously did know she was planning on visiting since she expected him to pick her up. So i'm assuming she had bought her tickets before he broke up with her. In that case I'd say it was F'd on his part. 8 hour flights aren't cheap.

littlemessalina 0

oh i don't know...dumping over email when he knows she has an 8 hour flight scheduled at the end of the week isn't at all a crappy thing to do...

VioletteSkies 0

I'd say FML because you just flew 8 hours but also YDI for not calling him before hand

You totally deserve it. How could you fly 8 hours to visit someone without speaking to them before you leave? That's just dumb.

As if, he should of at least called her to break up.

YDI for not configuring your junkmail filters. Why would you take such a long trip, and expect him to meet you at the airport after not hearing back from him in a week? Normal people confirm these arrangements a day or two prior to flight.

I agree...I usually let the person who's supposed to pick me up know, when I'm about to board the plane :p

GlassJAwkidE 3

How do you go a week without talking to him before a trip like that? YDI

You haven't talked to him in a week but thought everything was fine? YDI.

emilieee_fml 0

it says 10 emails so she probebly did talk to him and thought he got it and didnt have to reply back...some girls...

annamg 0

That sucks, but... you didn't talk to each other at all the week before flying out to see him? That's odd.

you could have told him you were visting. but its both of your faults. first its you boyfirends fault because he didnt tell you in person or even on the phone. but he chose email. second is u not checking up on him. i mean he sent you 10 emails. so he probably didnt send them all at the same time. you should have called or something. even if you were trying to suprise him. just call him to say hi or something.