By MedChew - 30/10/2015 17:01 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

Today, I dropped my phone between my legs and tried to catch it with my thighs. Instead, the phone fell through just as I crushed my own balls with my legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 110
You deserved it 5 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

That's why you should have gotten Google Glasses! They are amazing and unlikely to fall! Plus it has great apps. I'm typing this by blinking


joeyl2008 29

That's why you should have gotten Google Glasses! They are amazing and unlikely to fall! Plus it has great apps. I'm typing this by blinking

There are no such things as nerds because nerds is just a word for people who like a curtain thing in this case it's technology

That was a pretty ballsy move man. Put some ice on it and with time hopefully you'll feel better.

justcommenting19 19

Thunder and lightning didn't come to the rescue...

OMG this deserves more thumbs up! Maybe some people didn't get it. I enjoyed it lol

This is how the machine uprising starts—mobile phones castrating their users!

Broken phone, broken balls. I'm sorry I hear that, genuinely

whatunicorn 17

I'm a girl and just reading this hurts me..