By breakinphones - 20/02/2011 02:03 - United States

Today, I threw my brand new iPhone 4 in the air whilst laying on my bed. It came down, went through my fingers, landed on my balls, then broke on the concrete floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 638
You deserved it 81 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheComputerGuy96 16

YTDI, not for throwing your phone in the air, but for specifying it's a brand new iPhone 4.

Hah, you totally deserved that. Why the **** would you throw a phone that expensive in the air? You're ******* stupid.


TheComputerGuy96 16

YTDI, not for throwing your phone in the air, but for specifying it's a brand new iPhone 4.

are you serious? he's specifying what it is so we understand how much he just lost. some phones cost as little as 50 bucks, whilst his iPhone would be worth a lot

toyota4life94 6

I have a iPhone 3GS and I take very good care of it. it has been in it's case since march 2010. except for regular weekly cleanings. I paid $400 USD for it. Worth every penny.

iPhone 3 is a peice of shit 4 is way betta

well duuuuuuurr. of course it's gonna be better it newer by like 2 years. f*cktard.

john7h567hgrd 0

ydi fully for buying the iPhone... I just hate Steve jobs, he's so arrogant thinking he can release the new 3gs with no new features except a compass and people will buy it, and the sad part is that its true.

john7h567hgrd 0

ydi fully for buying the iPhone... I just hate Steve jobs, he's so arrogant thinking he can release the new 3gs with no new features except a compass and people will buy it, and the sad part is that its true.

my dad fixes all types of iphones. he has a buiness

why the hell does OP have a concrete floor for his bedroom?!?!?

I was wondering this too. Why did it take so long for someone to pick up on this? lol.

lesleykay 0

A lot of people have stained or dyed concrete floors in their houses :) My parents house has dyed concrete floors. I'm not the biggest fan either.

228; That isn't true at all. I've had my iPhone 4 since the week they were released, and I have never had such a problem. Ever. What I've noticed, is there are only 3 reasons people ever diss the iPhone. 1. They don't have/ cant afford one themselves so they put it down to make it sound like they just don't want one. 2. They like crackberry's better 3. They have the new HTC.

@229 iv had both an hone 4 and a 3gs and I just got a samsung galaxy s vibrant and it is a billion times better the the isuckdickphone4 the vibrant is fasrer cooler customizeable loads faster rootable and ive never ever dropped a call and the 3G signal is way faster and better

Or maybe Apple products just suck, #229.

alexg823 0

Too bad spell check doesn't work...

#14, you could jist hit the thumbs up or thumbs down if you agree or disagree... no need to comment if you do either...

Too bad you forgot your punctuation lessons.

Comments are so old here. iPhone 6 is almost out now.

yeah I broke my iPhone 4 too. sucks ass lol

txgirl2013 14

looks like someone (puts on sun glasses) just started having their period. (73)

Avenged7Gabe 0

looks like someone ( puts on sunglasses) never had theirs

looks like someone (looks in mirror) is awesome.. oh right, that's me. of course. OOOF.

PSQ91 6

I hope you guys have some sort of insurance for that phone. I know I do. That thing costs 650€!

why the **** does he have concrete in his bedroom?

Looks like some people (puts on sunglasses) want a hard enough floor to kill someone with. That is why.

#214, probably because the contractors thought it'd be funny?? well never kno... yes im bored enough to answer a rhetorical question

silver848 6

Your as much of a dumbass as the op. I can understand that with a crappy free phone, but a 200 dollar IPhone WTFF?

metal8214 0

you sure it didn't brake on your concrete balls? that's what happens to anything that falls on my balls

I did not understand that but still jis IN MY PANTS!

moron. killing your phone is not an FML, it's just stupidity on your part.

I wanna know why you have no carpet.... ydi though

carcinogan 0

I don't have carpet either because we like hard flooring? either way he's a dumbass for doing that.

sxcthaigirl 6

that's what I was wondering..

bishhitsandii 3

I'm guessing his bedroom is in an unfinished basement.

in Arizona and Texas we have polished concrete floors. it helps it stay cooler inside

#96 I live in Houston and my house has carpet in all of the bedrooms.

latingringa 3

bc he spent all his money on a BRAND NEW IPHONE 4 lol keep up

Hah, you totally deserved that. Why the **** would you throw a phone that expensive in the air? You're ******* stupid.

xNikkiez 0

Agreed. He basically threw money out the window. Rofl :)

I doubt op would be stupid to literally throw it over his/her concrete floor, it was most likely just a casual toss, bounce, and shatter. I've done the same thing only my phone didn't bounce off my bed. I don't think op deserves this at all.

I throw my iPhone 4 in the air all the time. It still works perfectly.

And why the hell would he have a concrete floor in his bedroom.

UpsidedownKayak 9

I am changing the acronym YDI to You Dumb Idiot, just for you OP.