By dickofbrokendreams - 02/03/2015 05:14 - United States - Waynesville

Today, I discovered that my fiancé consistently thinks about his fear of breaking his penis while we have sex. He's afraid to have sex with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 013
You deserved it 3 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean... it's a real fear. I don't want a broken dick. Well that's my excuse for being alone atleast.

When did this fear start? I'm not Dr. Phil, but my gut tells me that's not the real reason he won't have sex with you.


All I could think of was the song "don't play on broken strings"

Well OP said her fiancé thinks of his fear of breaking his penis WHILE having sex with her, not that he's not having sex because of his fear.

Don't let him listen to the latest RoosterTeeth podcast then :p

So you've obviously been having sex up to now, and now he's "all of a sudden" too scared to? Right...

Brings a whole new meaning to a "break-up"

OP, this is an actual thing that's happened to many people, so it isn't as ridiculous as you may think FHL and if you still think it's dumb of him then YDI

As virtually the only serious answer here: It could be a sign of Obsessive intrusive thoughts. He should see a therapist to deal with why he's having these fears and/or get medication.

If his dick isn't eencouraging him to have sex I think it's already broken.

SydLovesLacey 18

Tie him down so he doesn't have a choice.

I can't tell if this was a failed attempt at a joke or...?