By displeased - 05/04/2012 06:47 - United States - Candler

Today, I found out that my boyfriend is afraid of female orgasms. Right as I was about to climax, he panicked, pulled out, and ran into the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 774
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kiran_fml 5

Wtf is he afraid of?? You're going to blow up on him or something?

josebaseball11 14

Get on top next time. It will make it harder for him run.


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Leave him? Is that the answer for all problems these days... OP you need to slap some sense into him

theHIGHroad2 5

I remember that movie ****** Dentata..

Birdie_Sage 0

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KingOfAmazing 9

Just don't tell him you're about to ******. Get on top, hold him down, and go to town! Make him face his fears.

so your suggesting she leave him just because he ran when she was gonna climax? thats just silly, what happened to "talking things out"? at least he can lead you to ****** OP. some guys cant. . shame o_o

Nah, I'd suggest some bondage and make him shit his pants... figuratively.

Teeth is about a killer ****** with well... Teeth! It's a real condition apparently.

#32 you're right! (sorry op, couldn't help lol about this ;p )

RacistPancake 6

or you can just try to reverse fake it, OP!

J15237 25

besides when she orgasms and squeezes on his **** he will definitely feel. I am sure he wont be scared one bit anymore. He will feel dumb for missing out on feeling that.

kiran_fml 5

Wtf is he afraid of?? You're going to blow up on him or something?

He's scared of the acid that will come out and burn his dick off. Duh!

I take it you've never seen the movie Teeth. That shit will scare any man sexless for a few days.

Hahaha. Thats so true...! Love the gurls, but that shit turned me Gay hahaha... Jk tho... Sucks for OP.. She ought to find a real man who isn't scared of pleasing her! If not... Maybe she/he should consider The Rainbow Side ;-P

Fiskerz 0

Ohh so it is a choice then???

Everything, even life itself, is a choice. =]

Anai08 17

This is one of the FML's in which I really wish the OP could comment on later to clarify what happened next . He must of told her after he got out of the bathroom why he got scared. At least, I hope he did!

Us men all know the female ****** is a myth! He was afraid of her turning into a werewolf with all those noises!

I'm not gunna lie, women do look like someones performing an exorcism on them when they climax but he's just going to have to get use to that.

114-wow way to make girls feel self conscious. But it's okay, most guys look like they're about to cry/have a seizure. Exorcism/

This reminds me of the scene from "How the grinch stole Christmas" "IT'S GONNA BLOW!"

Female orgasms... I picture a wild camel giving birth during a sandstorm. That's just me though, it's pretty terrifying.

130- I dont know who you've seen ****** but I know personally I don't have tears in my eyes and my arms don't posture and I start shaking uncontrollably. You ever you saw was just probably have a seizure haha

Like my mum always said : "if you ever want anything done properly, you gotta do/finish it yourself"

The only problem there is that its not as fun

pinkcrayola 0

Gabrielle, I found you! You should give me a cookie

Urbanchiller 0
olpally 32

Immature comment... Nothing funny about a girl missing out on one of the pure joys of sex :(

I think she was referring to the comment tht said run forest run

tnt227 4

And to think I always thought men enjoyed seeing women ******

olpally 32

I do too... Hottest thing ever :D fyl op :(

bizarre_ftw 21

57 - well you're in luck, your charming demeanour will keep those scary, scary female orgasms away for years to come (along with the women capable of them)

145- That was pretty uncalled for and if you had read his profile it clearly says he's gay, which would explain why he doesn't enjoy watching a woman ******.

Nederlander95 14

We do... It means we're good lovers, ego boost, gf is happy, etc.

josebaseball11 14

Get on top next time. It will make it harder for him run.

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

With that reaction, I highly doubt there'll be a next time.

unless shes really weak, he can shove her off :p

X_Codes 11

@40: light* Strength has nothing to do with it. If you're on top you've got no leverage.

18, at 14 you shouldn't even be discussing sex.

ImDaBes 6

Nonsense. My first time was at 14. And there are a lot of people starting younger than that these days.

It's sad how early on people/kids are starting to have sex. I motion for the return of the chastity belt!

it's not like she is saying anything innapropriate... u need to grow up most kids learn about sex when their about 11

DaKillaMafia 2

Yes, but if his will to run away is high enough, she'll go flying through the ceiling or across the room.

Even younger kids know about sex, over here where i live, 8 year olds talk about sex too insane

My first time was 14. I'm 16 now and still with the same guy so it wasn't a stupid one time thing and I don't regret it one bit. But to OP, you may have to have a serious discussion with your boyfriend.

People put a lot of stress on age when they should be more concerned about if the person is being safe and responsible. If you are a safe, educated, responsible 14 year old, then it's your choice and don't let anyone make you feel bad for your decision. My first time was when I was 18. I was definitely not ready at 14 and I thought I was at 16, but then I started listening to my head instead of my hormones. I agree that most 14 year olds are not responsible enough to start having sex, but everyone is different.

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

Just saying', just because I'm educated on sex doesn't mean I plan on doing it anytime soon, I want to wait until marriage or until I'm at least 20 years old, the reason I know about sex is because, like many other schools, we have sex Ed class since year 5 ranging up to year 10.

This isn't a Vocabularly contest. Don't correct people. You look like a douchebag.

I second that age 15 and planning on saving until after college.

#106, do you really know what exactly you're talking about? Chastity belts were locked on and not removed for anything. That means periods, bathing, using the bathroom. They caused severe chaffing, infections, and were actually considered a punishment in some cases. As a woman who has enough pain in that area, I would never approve of using chastity belts as sex prevention.

pere 11

LOL are you two even legally old enough to have sex? ...doesn't really sound like it

10 There is no legal age for sex. Not since I last checked, because where I live, freshman are not only stupid, but slutty as well, and they're 13-14 years old.

SourLifeSaver 3

There is a legal age for sex....just because no one follows it doesn't mean it's not present. In the US it's different for some states but in Texas it's 17.

SourLifeSaver 3

There is a legal age for sex....just because no one follows it doesn't mean it's not present. In the US it's different for some states but in Texas it's 17.

I've read a lot ******-related FML's on this site, but this one gets a high ranking on my originality-list. God, I'm so curious right now about the reason behind his behaviour.