
By Anonymous - 31/05/2020 02:03

Today my husband cried tears of joy because we now have dates for : 1 - When our son can go back to school, and 2 - When the pubs will reopen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 260
You deserved it 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Your husband must be the guy on top of this who can't wait for his kids to move out on their own.

I am also looking forward to those dates . . .


Trying to homeschool your child while sober is more than most men should have to endure.

tell me about! I had to homeschool my nephew all while I still had my own classes and assignments to do and I wanted to blow my ******* brains out. luckily I don't have to do that anymore but it was a rough month or so.

tounces7 27

Your husband must be the guy on top of this who can't wait for his kids to move out on their own.

I am also looking forward to those dates . . .

I'm completely confused by this. I have no idea why this upsets you.