By laundry day again... - 08/09/2013 13:07 - United States

Today, I discovered that my boyfriend, who has frequent night terrors, also sleepwalks. And apparently sleep-pisses on the bathroom rug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 723
You deserved it 3 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put the rug over the toilet. Problem solved.

Maybe you should take him to the doctor to get that checked out?


An ex of mine had some issues, though I caught him almost pissing under sink. I had to lead him to bathroom. And had to put pillows between us so he wouldn't kick my ass in his sleep. Ya fun times

Perhaps he needs to make sure he doesn't drink too close to bedtime and goes to the loo just before bed? I used to sleep walk as a child all the time. It was amusing until the night my mum found me trying to climb out of my bedroom window.. Thankfully we were in a bungalow!

DrRO93 14

Wow.. Well cant totally blame him

Ch_rae5 19

or just get rid of the rug worst he could do is piss on the floor which would be easier to clean up

OP, try keeping the bathroom door closed at night and hanging some loud bells on it. They're available at pet stores year 'round (for dogs to signal they need to go out). That might wake him up. As for the rest, I wish you luck. My husband has hit me, elbowed me in the face, ripped the blankets off to "protect [me] from the spiders", shielded me with his body from something, silently signaled me to stack up and look at "the barrels" where our bedroom wall is, and put me in an arm bar restraint twice (once I was sure he was going to snap my elbow, but I talked him down until he woke up). He hates that he could hurt me, but it's not his fault. Usually sleep walking is random firing of synapses (mild form of epilepsy), but in combination with night terrors it could be a form of PTSD from childhood abuse or a tragic event or battle. If you don't love him enough to suffer it with him, it's best you get out now. If you do, I wish you all the patience and kindness anyone can have.

I feel like this is a fhl moment rather then urs

Haley422 9

my brother seems to always pee on the fridge :/

People do crazy things when they're sleepwalking!!