By zappy - 11/10/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I decided to see if electric dog collars work on human necks. They do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 715
You deserved it 119 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course they work on human necks. And YDI for using a shock-collar. That's ******* cruel, now you know what your dog feels lik

Wait, OP. You mean to tell me that humans are capable of sustaining a current of electricity?! MADNESS.


People like you are the reason why there's instructions on the back of pop tarts. >.>

OMFG I can't believe u're such an effing idiot.. lol

I agree, FYL. Must be a hard life, being a complete idiot and all.

madaline 0

...what would be different about a humans neck, than a dogs when it comes to that?

u are a complete dumbass. it uses ELECTRIC SHOCKS, not special dog shocking mechanism

How is it a FML if you have the audacity to try on an [electrical] dog collar, willingly, in the first place? Besides, your neck, your (?) dog's neck, I'm pretty sure it's quite the same. #159: Agreed.

terriibabiiix23 0

wow, yur stupid. why the **** would you do that ?!?! are you effed up in the brain ?

Hahah it's so stupid ... i laughed like crazy