By zappy - 11/10/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I decided to see if electric dog collars work on human necks. They do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 715
You deserved it 119 043

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course they work on human necks. And YDI for using a shock-collar. That's ******* cruel, now you know what your dog feels lik

Wait, OP. You mean to tell me that humans are capable of sustaining a current of electricity?! MADNESS.


Herp derp...they only work if they receive speshul secret dog signals from your neck

Kawaii_Shoujo 5

YDI 1. For having a shock collar for your dog as they are inhumane. 2. for being enough of an idiot to test it out.

lifeisabitch43 4

Shock collars are not inhumane. All you have to do is show your dog that when they walk past a flag they get shocked, put flags around the boundary of your yard (and your kitchen table), and you're all set. At least MY dog learned it that easily.

Did you think the collar could magically detect whether it was a dog or a person wearing it??

Be careful, you might just fry the only two braincells you have left.

MandathePanda24 0


Next time google it before you wonder if bullets hurt......

joecartoon2 2

You dumb ****** ape Why in the shit wouldnt they? Thats like common sense dumbass, its not like electricty has a choice of something it shocks. its not like oh your a human your not shockable. Man some people these days just ******* blow my mind at how retarted this generation is.

Hah I thought ours was broke once. while attempting to fix it I zapped the living crap out of my hand. was on full blast too. lol

LadyEmi 15

Okay you're ******* retarded.