By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 03:13 - United States

Today, I decided to light a candle in my room. Since fire intrigues me, I put an old brochure into it. Paper burns fast, and now my carpet has a big, black burn mark. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 288
You deserved it 72 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boycrazy30007 12

I get being a pyro, but there is no excuse for being an idiot

I really hate to say this, but you definitely deserved it.


RedPillSucks 31

Did you run around yelling... "The carpet, the carpet, the carpet's on fire!!!!...." You really should have completed the rest of the song, literally. (Doesn't quite have the same ring to it)

Talk about dumb! My son zapped out a light socket at the age of 15. He wanted to see what would happen! Here is an idea.... GUESS!

Have you thought about not bring so curious? It gets you in trouble :P

JaysFanStu 3

Lol I wonder how u managed to put the fire out..

we have a future arsonist in our hands.

"since fire intrigues me"? I don't think there is a face palm image big enough to truly express how i feel right now