By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 02:09 - United States

Today, I'm spending time with my granny, with whom I'm supposed to live with for a few weeks. I've noticed that she repeats the last word of every sentence I say, and now I'm wondering how it's possible for me to now be so horrible that I want to punch a sweet 92-year-old lady in the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 872
You deserved it 5 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast you admitted it was horrible to think it

AlaskaKid95 7


YdoIhaveAchode 4

Not that big of a deal. Don't be so mean to granny.

AlaskaKid95 7

Because of your pic, I'm just expecting all your comments to be bad-ass.

I have to admit my grandmother is a trial too. Also 92, but her memory of everything is warped more than average to "everything is about me"... And she complains I don't talk to her, but then when I do talk she tells me to shush.

That sounds like my grandma too. Good lord, do we all end up like that?

i think anyone would get annoyed after a while, doesn't matter who does it. that sucks, FYL

itsame0987 18

I'd say it's f the grandma's life for having a Grandchild that wants to punch her. Poor granny, I feel worse for her than op.

Atleast you admitted it was horrible to think it

zuzupetalsYO 11

That's true. Let's put every random negetive thought on FML..

If she's senile it's forgivable, but I bet she's just messing with you.

Okay.. Do you understand the meaning of the word senile? Because last time I checked it's an attitude, not a disease. I think you completely missed the point of Eggnog's comment, which was supposed to be funny.

When there that old they can get away with it

Mister_Triangle 21

But there's no excuse for anyone under the age of 92 to use the wrong form of "they're"

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

No. No we don't see what you did there.

I actually did he used the wrong form again

Why thank you for pointing that out, Captain Obvious!

Well, you know it's a horrible idea, so that counts for something. As long as you don't actually do it, it's probably fine. Just try to remember she's old, and probably can't help it. You may be there someday.

Babyseal420 7

Well if you do punch her you won't have to live with her anymore...

Babyseal420 7

As I sit here and read this I realized how very murderous this comment seems. My intention was that OP would be arrested, but sure didn't come across that way :/

maz255 10

I read your second comment with a Morgan Freeman voice in my head...that made me forgive you for what you said... Life lesson: Morgan Freeman's voice has the power to end wars.