By Rainbow92 - 19/08/2009 23:43 - Bulgaria

Today, I decided I need help, so I confessed to my mother that I'm bulimic. After she looked it up online she started screaming at me for "Wasting food that I'm not paying for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 031
You deserved it 11 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I'm sorry 90% of the people in this thread are being assholes. I'm a recovering bulimic myself and I know how hard it can be. If your mom doesn't understand, please seek therapy so you have someone to listen to you and help you through these difficult times. And to everyone giving her crap for "wasting food middle Eastern kids could eat," it's not as though she's physically stealing food from underprivileged. Her not throwing up her pizza isn't going to buy one for a refugee camp. If you're so concerned about starvation, donate food or money or time to charities helping them instead of sitting around mocking someone on the internet. You might think you're Mother Theresa, but bitching on FML isn't putting food on anybody's plate.

Lame. That sucks that your mother did not react how you needed her to. I hope she comes to be more supportive. I wish you the best in your recovery.


Jazzywrites007 2

God, you're 14. You really don't know ANYTHING and maybe that's why your opinion is like an Anal Bead to me.

there are starving people in Africa you selfish bitch. or are you being like a momma bird and coughing it up for them to eat?

you did the right thing asking for help, good for you, but im sorry ,your mum aint a nice person....get well soon

Twin_Uzis 0

She has a point. I can't feel pity for people like you, you attention *****.

Monty_Python 0

OP, congrats on being a dumb ass. Your mother is right, stop wasting the food that she is buying. Also, a mental disorder is only respectable if you were born in it or it was caused by some outside force. QA self-caused mental disorder is completely your fault. Alcoholics can choose to stop drinking if they want to. If an alcoholic was put in a room with just food and water they would survive. Just as a bulimic person would survive if they simply stopped forcing themselves to throw up. If your body does it automatically now, then you really deserve it for doing it for so long. TLDR: YDI!!!!!

letitbe56 0

Monty_Python, you don't know what you're talking about. Both eating disorders and substance dependence disorders are disorders that you are born with and are caused by outside forces. There are strong genetic implications in substance use disorders, and there are genetic and biochemical implications in eating disorders as well. Moreover, both substance use disorders and eating disorders are often secondary to an underlying mood or anxiety disorder. Family dynamics are a very common contributing factor to eating disorders, and how could you ignore the sociocultural factors, like the thin ideal glorified by women's magazines? Eating disorders, like all mental disorders, are caused by a mixture of biological and environmental factors. I really wish you and everyone else saying YDI would stop casting blame when you don't actually know what you're talking about. Also, what you said about alcoholics in a room with bread and water isn't necessarily true. Delerium tremens can kill you if not treated.

Monty_Python 0

You clearly don't understand that the person who becomes bulimic or an alcoholic knows exactly what they're doing unless they have slept/skipped every health class known to man. They shove it down your throat 100 times in a single lesson to never do either. Anyone who has information readily available to them is 100% responsible for their decision. Most women in those magazines don't say "I throw up after every meal." They'll say something along the lines of a workout and a low calorie diet. And if a person wants to stay skinny/healthy, why don't they just try running or swimming? Both are good for your weight, cardio, muscles, and aerobic systems. Finally, even if a person is born with a genetic disposition towards drugs or bulimia, you can still avoid it. I have been diagnosed with OCD. I'm still capable of sitting completely still in a dirty/disorganized room. Also, I'm aware of the physical dependence developed by alcoholics. There was just nothing I could think of to compare it to. Besides, only people with severe long-term addictions will die from skipping their daily dose of alcohol.

supertweakd 0

your mom = the shitttt! LMAO. But yeah FYL, cuz that scenario is only funny if it happens to someone other than you.

ky_stone22 0

Bulimia is extremely dangerous, and good for you for realizing you need help and trying to reach out to your mother. FYL that she's a freak that only cares about money. I'm not going to say that you're not wasting food, but you certainly can't help your bulimia. It's an illness, and a condition that could cost you your life. That being said, the poor in the world would be grateful for you food. Now, THAT being said, you're not wasting it on purpose. Like you want to puke your brains out? It's ignorant to believe that, like XHakudatsuX does. Good luck with your recovery!

That's aweful good for u to try to get help f ur mom for not understanding!

fmjl 0

Sympathy? $1000 says the OP doesn't even hit the gym daily. If you look in the mirror, and think you're fat, and don't do a thing about it but purge your food, I can't have any sympathy for you. Disease my ass...

fmjl 0

Well someone's got to put these people in their place. BULEMIA IS NOT A DISEASE. Read #288 and find out why. :)

Whatevers_clever 0

It is a psychological disorder. People die from this. They work themselves too hard, trying to be perfect. Not only is it a struggle to be perfect in the way you look, but also in who you are. If you don't die from the actual self-abuse, it is likely to lead to suicide. Only a minimal percentage actually commit suicide, the rest live. And the ones who live, their emotional pain recycles, and starts all over again, only worse.

I can agree with this sort of. But sometimes there are situations that require you to be thinner. And sometimes working out can do so much. it's sick the standards they have for ballet dancers or models now a days, but it is what it is.