By Rainbow92 - 19/08/2009 23:43 - Bulgaria

Today, I decided I need help, so I confessed to my mother that I'm bulimic. After she looked it up online she started screaming at me for "Wasting food that I'm not paying for." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 031
You deserved it 11 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I'm sorry 90% of the people in this thread are being assholes. I'm a recovering bulimic myself and I know how hard it can be. If your mom doesn't understand, please seek therapy so you have someone to listen to you and help you through these difficult times. And to everyone giving her crap for "wasting food middle Eastern kids could eat," it's not as though she's physically stealing food from underprivileged. Her not throwing up her pizza isn't going to buy one for a refugee camp. If you're so concerned about starvation, donate food or money or time to charities helping them instead of sitting around mocking someone on the internet. You might think you're Mother Theresa, but bitching on FML isn't putting food on anybody's plate.

Lame. That sucks that your mother did not react how you needed her to. I hope she comes to be more supportive. I wish you the best in your recovery.


good for you for trying to get help, at least!

Why don't you go ask a schizophrenic why they started hearing voices, then? See what kind of answer you get out of that.

emily_321 0

first off, congrats on realizing you need help second, you guys are all assholes. How much of you donate food to third world countries? or how many of you throw out food because its getting old instead of donating it? im guessing not too many of you, so stop being hypocritical and before you tell her to stop wasting food how about you stop being selfless and donate some food yourself. its not like she woke up one day and decided "Oh hey i want an eating disorder" so how about you assholes get your head out of your ass and be a little more sensitive

freudianego, out of all the ******* innocent people that get murdered these days, why couldn't it be someone as evil as you. It takes one hell of a dense and glib son a bitch and an asshole to say the crap your saying. You walking, talking piece of shit! The one who should kill themselves is you, because at least this girl wants to get help and get better, unlike you, who has nothing to give to the world but ignorance, and I'm pretty you have as a hideous and deformed face and body to go with your personality! you ******* asshole!

Actually, your body starts throwing up automatically, in a conditioned response to eating food, when you're bulimic.

wolfishinsanity 0

Ignore 90% of the people here. They don't know what the **** they're talking about. I'm sorry your mom reacted like that. =/ But kudos for realizing that you need help. Definitely a step in the right direction. If your mom continues to be like this and not help you, you might want to go to counseling or something for help instead. Good luck.

fangsupKELS 0

I wouldn't compare it to skitsophrenia(spelling?) they can't help it. More along the lines of alcholism because it's self imposed.

I'm so sorry that your mother said that to you! I'm a recovering bulimic and I went to the hospital four months ago because of it, and I'm still battling it. It's an addiction and you face it every day. What really helped me is this new therapy I've been doing for two months called DBT. I've been going to therapists for the past ten years and this therapy is awesome. Each week you have a group that half of it you do with the therapist and the other girls or guys in the group (usually like two or three, it's small), and then in the other half your parent comes in and it really helps you out because your parent learns how to deal with you too. And then once a week you have a session with your DBT therapist. I'm not sure if they would have DBT centers is in your area, but you should definitely check it out! I wish you luck and hope that you'll get better!

theshinepolice 0

i wonder how much of the people who wrote rude comments about your bulimia also write rude comments about fat people, see a connection? well op, good luck :]

oh my god, my mom told me the same thing when i told her about my problem. she told me i should be anorexic because i was wasting money. she said if i was going to do that to loose weight, i should just not eat anything at all. we should get your mom and my mom together and put them in a a class about parenting.