By shook - 06/09/2017 14:00 - United States - Clermont

Today, I crashed into a pole on purpose as a cop pulled me over for speeding. I figured the officer would feel bad for me and that the cost of fixing my car would be less than a ticket. He gave me one anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 077
You deserved it 11 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a special kind of dumb. I'm surprised the officer didn't give you another ticket for reckless driving on top of speeding or check to see if you weren't sober.

You need your license taken away, and quite possibly to have some sense beat into you for your complete willingness to risk killing someone to get out of a ticket that you know you deserve. Do the right thing, don't drive or breed.


corky1992 33

you honestly thought that would work in your favor?

Wow you need to have your license taken away! I bet your a women and a blonde there the worst driver ever

neuronerd 28

Someone needs to work on their pluralization, grammar, and homophones. Signed, a blonde woman with a perfect driving record.

neuronerd 28

Also, yes, I'm aware "their" is traditionally plural, however, it has come to be a gender neutral possessive pronoun colloquially, as "it" can be considered insulting.

"Here's your speeding ticket, here's the ticket for reckless driving, and we're impounding your car under suspicion that you were driving under the influence. Oh, and your license has been revoked."

I'm just going to have to lay it to you straight because you seem to be painfully oblivious, you are going to go absolutely nowhere in life. Good luck, you're going to need it.

I now identify with white girls on a personal level. I just can't even... How stupid can you get? How do they let you drive?

"I'm a complete idiot, fml" that about sum it up?

Rammer3500 23

You're a whole new level of stupid. I call that instant karma. Thats a YDI if I've ever heard it