By hoser - 21/02/2010 10:01 - Canada

Today, I went skiing. Trying to show off to some inexperienced skiers, I flew past them at my top speed, a bracket snapped off my boot and I slid on my face for about 30 metres. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 713
You deserved it 37 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hehe that's what you get for trying to show off.

Ouch. Must have hurt. Its not really your fault though I'd say, it's natural for people to want to show off. There's nothing wrong with it, if you don't take it too far.


hehe that's what you get for trying to show off.

theian01 3

I don't see how he deserved to have the bracket of his ski fall off, even if he was showing off. I do this all of the time when there are slow people up ahead, and I've never broken my skis from it.

YDI for skiing instead of snowboarding Jks i hate when something like this happens...

RULE # 8402: Don't show off if you aren't good at it.

amazinggbaby 2

@29 Having your brackets fall off doesn't mean your bad at skiing.

OP and Holybatman, you aren't showing off to anyone. The inexperienced skiers just get startled and lose control, and the responsible experienced skiers just get angry at you for doing such stupid and dangerous things. The only one you're impressing is yourself.

Canadians because we use the metric system

he showed off how bad is was at ski'ing ha

lol I did that today on my snowboard. it was snowing and I couldn't see but o wanted to show off to these noobs so I was hauling down a pretty bumpy run and just caught my toe edge and did a front roll down the hill. it was sad

boarderboy15, don't you mean 'metres' lol

Ouch that got to hurt. But you kind of deserved it in a way... :-/

vansbabe66 0

not funny or amusing just boring

Ouch. Must have hurt. Its not really your fault though I'd say, it's natural for people to want to show off. There's nothing wrong with it, if you don't take it too far.

yourproblemnow 0

lmaoo @ #4 :) OP - that does suck, try not to show off so much next time lol

Show off = YDI. Skiing is a dangerous sport. You could die or kill someone if you overestimate your skills. Idiot!

Ajjas013 6

Showing off is a dangerous sport. Skiing is for chumps. Trust me, you haven't seen it until you've seen it through OP's eyes. Like yesterday I ate some mashed potatoes. They changed me.

shadexilmaendu 4

His ski broke; that's not exaggerating his skills, though it's a bit silly to show off. I ski top speed when the run is open enough because its fun, plain and simple ;p

sugarbabyxoxo 2

too bad Canada is the shit! and all the other countries love us... unlike the states hahah which most of th other countries seem to hate.

^^ WIN comment^^ Though most Americans wouldn't be able to get that through their thick skulls.

above comments win. Canada is the shit especially Newfoundland!

while i don't condone the anti-Canadian comment, i also don't condone the anti-American comment. since we have 10x the population of Canada and immigrants are always hauling ass to the States and NOT CANADA, i'd say there are quite a few countries that like us. You guys up there would be in deep shit without us.

snickerz01 0

canada burnt down your white house a while ago cuz you guys picked a fight or summat like dat