By Anonymous - 06/09/2017 07:00 - United States - Eugene

Today, while showing off the sharpness of my new katana, I missed my target and hit my shoe. The strike cut into the second toe of my right foot, which then had to be amputated. Demonstration successful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 822
You deserved it 5 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would I be correct in assuming that your weeaboo phase has fully run it's course?

This is why we shouldn't play around with swords if we have absolutely no idea what we're doing with them in real life.


Would I be correct in assuming that your weeaboo phase has fully run it's course?

Look on the bright side you will get a handicap license plate. Now you will be able to park closer to the the places you go. Gimpy!!!!!

chickensheep 15

This is precisely why swords and guns are illegal in sensible countries.

"In America, you have the right to be stupid." -Fmr. Sec. of State John Kerry

As a person with a large sword collection and years of training under my belt, my question is - How the actual F do you manage to cut your foot? What were you even doing? The incompetence is unreal.

I was thinking that maybe he was trying to slice something vertically, missed, and because those things aren't light, he couldn't stop his arms before they went down with the weight of the katana, and then it went straight into his foot.

This is why we shouldn't play around with swords if we have absolutely no idea what we're doing with them in real life.

When will people learn? Weapons are not toys.

I'm imagining a fat guy with a neck beard overcompensation with overbearing geekery?

Well now I know who not to have on my zombie apocalypse team.

Mungolikecandy 19

The only people who should have access to actually edged swords are trained martial artists. Even blunt training swords can be dangerous in a non-regulated environment.