By Anonymous - 14/07/2009 18:10 - United States

Today, I checked the facebook event page that I had set up for my 21st birthday at an awesome restaurant/bar which I had set up a week ago. Out of 39 invitees, the only person who said yes is my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 452
You deserved it 5 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deja54 0

Facebook is not an acceptable way of personally inviting people to an important event.

um, well at least your boyfriend is coming :)


That's really unfortunate. Fortunately, you have a boyfriend who loves you. That's great! :]

That's what you get for using Facebook to invite people to a birthday party.

Syvarth 0

That does suck.... But send real invites, I have accidentally ignored so many parties because people think fb is an acceptable alternative to paper these days.

sparxva 12

I generally ignore fb party invitations. On the bright side, you have a boyfriend you know you can count on to be there for you. The rest are just fb friends--don't expect them to loan you money or help you move.

I think YDI because you invited people to your own birthday party.

damn that sucks. well, considering the date, it's already in the past so... at least your boyfriend came, and if no-one else did, call it a birthday date. ^^

no_need_fml 0

In some circles, people fully expect you to organise events via facebook, so unlike a lot of commenters I don't think this was your fault for that aspect. For my 21st, I organised an event both on facebook and by personally asking all my friends. This was 2 weeks before the event, and the most common response was: "Oh, I don't know what I'm doing that night." I couldn't help but think "surely you know now!" but said nothing. On the night, about 10 people showed up, but my housemate spent the entire night trying to convince me not to go to the club night I had picked out especially because it was my birthday and it was a club we rarely went to and which I really liked. I got so mad at her that we ended up just sitting in the bar all night and people went home early because we weren't going to a club any more. Best part? My housemate was completely oblivious to the fact that she had utterly ruined my one and only 21st birthday party and had a ball.