By Anonymous - 14/07/2009 18:10 - United States

Today, I checked the facebook event page that I had set up for my 21st birthday at an awesome restaurant/bar which I had set up a week ago. Out of 39 invitees, the only person who said yes is my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 452
You deserved it 5 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deja54 0

Facebook is not an acceptable way of personally inviting people to an important event.

um, well at least your boyfriend is coming :)


crownme 0

you ****** depressed ass bitch go somewhere where somebody gives a **** you lonely smut

decibel_beads 0

eh...maybe they had a busy week? call them/leave voicemail - this is usually a better way to reach people.

eh thats sucks, but then again alot of people dont even check the event thing.. its really convenient but its useless just because nobody actually looks at it -__-

but really, do you need a ton of friends? Call your closest and ask if they've made plans or not already. At least you'll have your boyfriend. :)

I wouldn't put people in that position. I have to say that my friends invite large crowds out to restaurants for their birthdays all the time and I don't think they realize how annoying it is. I decline unless its within my close circle of friends because theres nothing more annoying than going out for your friends birthday talking to 30 people you dont know then owing $80 when the bill comes and all you had was a sandwich and nobody tipped. It happens every single time without fail. If I went out everytime I was invited I'd be out about $150 a week.

haha coulda been worse.. he coulda said no tooo. ha

Well how many facebook friends do u have?

you're doing better than me, NO ONE would go to a concert with me on my 21st.

I'd say YDI for being someone that no one wants to hang out with, even on your birthday.