By vegeta - 24/12/2018 20:00

Today, I’ve been getting sexy messages from an unknown number. First I told her to stop multiple times, then I blocked her. I can only assume that she changed her number and managed to find me and message me again. My girlfriend saw the messages and told me flatly “It’s over.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 993
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot twist: it was your girlfriend all along, wanting a concrete excuse to break up with you.

What are the chances it was your girlfriend making an excuse to get out?


Plot twist: it was your girlfriend all along, wanting a concrete excuse to break up with you.

Would not be surprised in the slightest if that was the case. But if it wasn't her, why didn't she see OP's responses turning the stalker chick down?

WeirdUS 29

More than likely didn’t even bother to check saw the message that was sent to them but didn’t check the response. For some just the fact that someone is messaging them that stuff is a red flag onto it self. Think about it from a girlfriend’s point of you some unknown number is all of a sudden sending texts like that sounds weird.

ravensarepurple 10

If i saw messages like this on my boyfriends phone, i would be checking to see responses. Jusy because he received them doesnt make hom guilty. His response is what determines if I end the relationship or not. I honestly think it was her or one of her friends doing it so she could end it and not be the bad guy. Hope OP kept all messages and can show he wasnt in the wrong

You mean those messages that get replied to with things like "who are you?" and "leave me alone"? No, anyone who breaks up over this is either staging it or not worth the effort.

It has to be her spoofing her number. Or people she knows doing it for her. If not, some friend is playing a bad practical joke on op.

What are the chances it was your girlfriend making an excuse to get out?

So, is she taking Trunks and Bulla with her?

OP, WOW! Your gf certainly isn't a very trusting person. :-( Perhaps it's a good thing to have learned now rather than later. Good luck! :-)

Legit actually sounds like it was your girlfriend....

onceuponatime456 16

I am thinking your ex set you up because she wanted to break up and was too much of a b*tch coward to do it without making it "your fault"!


it was probably your girl or a friend of hers. Sneaky sneaky

If the messages stopped after she broke up with you then she was the one sending them so she would have an excuse to dump you