By Anonymous - 14/07/2009 18:10 - United States

Today, I checked the facebook event page that I had set up for my 21st birthday at an awesome restaurant/bar which I had set up a week ago. Out of 39 invitees, the only person who said yes is my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 452
You deserved it 5 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deja54 0

Facebook is not an acceptable way of personally inviting people to an important event.

um, well at least your boyfriend is coming :)


get your lazy ass off the computer and invite them in person, maybe then they'll come..

KidsInTheHallFan 0

at least your boyfriend doesn't find you as repulsive as your friends & family do

Miss_Jazzalyn 4

OP should do it IRL. Facebook is okay as a backup though, I think, because some people might find it quicker to reply that way. E.g., when my cousin had her 21st, she sent out invites via mail but also made an FB event as well. I wound up RSVP-ing on FB to it.

dianadoll 23

Facebook is stupid, that's what you get for being a loser who has a Facebook :) but at least your boyfriend is going. :)