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By Anonymous - 31/12/2020 22:56 - United States - Montpelier

Today, for the first time in 8 months, I got laid and it was amazing. Unfortunately, it's kicked my latent sex drive into hyperdrive. Best part? No idea when I might have sex again, so apparently I just have to live with being ragingly horny for the foreseeable future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 498
You deserved it 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sarahcroy20 12

Take care of yourself. Atleast you know it will be done right.

diraven 15

Try lowering your standards so you'll accept mediocre sex like the rest of us.


sarahcroy20 12

Take care of yourself. Atleast you know it will be done right.

diraven 15

Try lowering your standards so you'll accept mediocre sex like the rest of us.

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

Try using your hand. At least you should get where you want to go every time that way

KingAdrock 16

Buy a vibrator and quit complaining.

There is a Chinese phrase used when they speak of of an addict trying to get the same intensity and enjoyment of the first time they tried a drug, recognizing that tolerance would make it nearly impossible. They called it "chasing the dragon." You may never forget your first time, but don't make your desire for 30 seconds of ecstasy cause you to make a decision that will alter your life.

bobsanction 18

Get something that runs on batteries.

just keep ******* the same person? unless it was a one night stand and you'll never see this person again?

gavo 8