By Anonymous - 09/09/2014 16:16 - Australia - Perth

Today, I chatted to a nice guy and gave him my number. I told him I was going to sleep because I had a headache, and then put my phone on silent. He rang multiple times, and when I obviously didn't pick up, he sent several texts insulting me and calling me gutless for not responding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 777
You deserved it 4 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Octwo 16

Dodged a bullet of insecurity you could very well have not seen otherwise.


Some people just don't get it OP. Hope you're feeling better and you got everything cleared up.

Octwo 16

Dodged a bullet of insecurity you could very well have not seen otherwise.

Rayth 19

Sounds like you was able to get out early before something way worse could've happened.

iAmPaul 49

That sucks OP. Judging by that, he wouldn't have been a good boyfriend anyway.

There's this magical thing called a block button in contacts. Saved my ass 900 squared times.

martin8337 35

Sounds like a stalker. At least you found out early on.

honeybeeki 14

How much do you want to bet he calls himself a "nice guy having a tough time with the ladies" when he describes his dating life (or lack thereof)?

Luckily you haven't met him yet. I think its time to install Call Blocker App on your phone.