By Reena - 19/08/2011 06:38 - Canada

Today, I got woken up by a text from an unknown number at 3 am saying, "haha I found your number." I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. After hours of trying to fall asleep, my drowsiness was disturbed by another text from the same person saying, "Sorry, wrong number." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 643
You deserved it 4 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

That's when you reply, "shut up before I send my garden gnomes after you."

Try putting your phone on silent when you sleep


Don't you wish phones had a feature which could 'silence' the ring/message tone?

Phones do have that feature... Or you could..y'know turn off your phone. I just put mine face down on this dresser thing next to my bed and the texts are silent but the alarm is on.

EnEl_Infierno 15

If people read their phone manuals they would know that most phones come with options to silencing messaging, incoming calls and alarms separately, leaving on only the one that's most important to you.

Not by choice boners, but because you broke the Internet with your sarcasm.

EnEl_Infierno 15

-33 you sure you're in the Pacific and not on candy mountain? Popping them skittles and txting people you don't know at 3 am.

whitetail518 4 hate technology, but you have an iPod that obviously has Internet access because you're commenting on here...that's not contradicting at all.

BellaGoBoom 6

82 doesn't know boners and/or is to literal. OR I don't get the joke

a_nutritionist 10

naw 27, good comprehension skills. @OP nobody cares about your first world problems...

yamatelle 19

I'm sorry. I woke up this morning from a drunken night I couldn't remember and your number was list as "bathroom *******" on my phone. I wanted some ass but didn't know how to approach you about it.

And #27 totally does not understand the tone that was being taken :P On another note...I'm not really sure why this is a FML. Somehow I doubt you took multiple hours to fall back asleep. I also doubt the moderators ability if they let this through. Who cares! It's one day out of (hopefully) a long life! Good luck getting a full 8 hour sleep in college...

Turn it off or at the very least turn off all sounds.

to be honest, at least it wasn't a stalker...

@#83: Do you want me to wake you up multiple times during the night, ruin your sleeping pattern, and make you feel like Jame Gumb's balls for the rest of the day? Would you see the problem then?

loving the fml team. (now i think i deserve a hundred thumbs up for my loyalty)

clumsily_yours 12
kevsnev 7

That's why you keep your phone on vibrate.

saIty 17

That's when you reply, "shut up before I send my garden gnomes after you."

tacovender 7

Then release the army upon the world?

saIty 17

We can leave that to Dr. Doofensmirfz to kill them all.

eminemchick 19

****** doofenschmirtz wont do it right. you see how he treats perry, just completely spilling his plot before hand!

saIty 17

Ah, however I know how to get rid of Perry. It involves the British kid, 5000 ninjas, and peanut butter.

i would send my mage and unicorn armies after that bitch

saIty 17

It's quite simple actually. Kidnap Ferb to attract Perry. Then use your 5000 ninjas to capture Perry. Yes you'll need that many ninjas. Then suck your PB as you enjoy your victory.

eminemchick 19

sounds good. leave ferb with me, just tell him i'm vanessa;)

kali12_fml 0
crazychick1269 7

uhhh salty... I believe u belong on MLIA :) wrong site buddy!

ileenefudge 29

This thread is full of win :)

ImmaB3AST 7

I definitely would have called and cussed them out.

johnson94 5

...because that's the civil thing to do.

Try putting your phone on silent when you sleep

Sometimes you need an alarm to wake up in the morning and it doesn't sound if it is on silent.

Turn on airplane mode, you won't have signal but you'll be able to keep your sound on to hear the alarm.

stacianichole 2

Or set text alerts to silent...there are ways around this...

There is an "alarm only" choice on most phones, too

Airplane mode indeed. Research has shown that if you put your phone next to your head while you sleep, the waves and stuff will keep you away from sleep for about one hour per night!!

Killerturtle 11

Wow, I never knew that! My sleep has been terrible these past few days. I've been sleeping with my cell under my belly, so that may be the reason... I'm gonna try that tonight

Mine does. Every mobile I have ever owned has.

Just don't check your phone next time and turn it on silent

He's lying!! I was really the RIGHT number, he just wants you to not expect it :)

Probably one of those from 1500-stalkfail

muchagente 5

that's funny as hell. ever thought about switching off the mobile for the night?