By wwasmer - 27/02/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, I hit a car while trying to answer a phone call from my mom. I quickly answered the phone and shouted "What!?". To which she replied, "I just had a bad feeling in my gut about you so I wanted to make sure you were ok." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 871
You deserved it 16 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My biggest pet peeve is people driving like ******* idiots because they are occupied with their phone. You deserved it.

You people know that you've all done it before. Do you really want to throw the first stone here?


sue your mom for making you get into that accident for calling you asking about your safety

Every comment you post gets thumbed down; why are you wasting everyone's time?

You people know that you've all done it before. Do you really want to throw the first stone here?

And they deserve it also. I wouldn't consider it undeserved if it happened to me while I was messing around with my phone.

My biggest pet peeve is people driving like ******* idiots because they are occupied with their phone. You deserved it.

thats what you get for drivin and talkin. You should have your drivers license revoked. You could have killed that guy, ********. and no, I have never spoken on the phone while driving. even before they decided to make laws against it. Thats called...common sense

enormouselephant 15

The word 'retarded' is very inappropriate and dehumanizing.

joeyl2008 29

So many people think it shows they're a multi-tasker when they're able to talk on the phone and do something breathe, for instance. The OP here is a single-tasker, and probably not very good at it.

agm2010 0

The OP sounds like a brat and is most likely going to have his mom pay for the ticket or whatever damage there was because it 'wasn't his fault that SHE called him'.

SilentBob2040 0

Uh... what's wrong with a handsfree kit?! buy one! then you can keep both hands on the wheel and talk on the phone at the same time :P

Wow. You kinda had that coming for trying that hard to answer your phone while you're driving.

King_of_Kings 3

the only time you dont have both hands on the wheel while driving is if you like myself have a manual transmission car and your shifting through the gears.

milo_fml 0

Oh goddd people, lighten up! I agree talking on a phone while driving is bad, but whatever happened to just LAUGHING at a fml? Isn't that what this site is for? Making people laugh? Jeez it's a funny situation, and everyone makes mistakes. No one has a sense of humor anymore.

InfiniteSecret 20

The OP could've caused a serious accident, they could've serious injured or killed someone for being so careless. A huge percentage of car crashes are because of phones. How is it funny that the OP caused a car crash from being inconsiderate and reckless