By ReallyUniverse?? - 18/03/2018 19:00

Today, at work as a dog groomer, two dogs gave me bloody bites, completely unprompted. I went home in tears, so my family got Chinese takeout to cheer me up. My fortune cookie read, "It is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that counts." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 807
You deserved it 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are the chances of getting a cookie related to your plight? O.o

Donut_Wizard 23

Everyone is thinking it, so I’m just going I say it. Chinese food... Dogs...


What are the chances of getting a cookie related to your plight? O.o

Most places won’t groom a dog before seeing their medical records for rabies shots, I worked with dogs directly at PetSmart and that was a rule.

Two dogs, unprovoked bites? Nah, I’m getting checked.

It would be better to quarantine the dogs for 10 days (which is what the law generally requires for any skin-breaking bite from a cat, dog, or ferret anyway) and then avoid the pain and expense of the rabies vaccination series altogether when they clear the post-quarantine exam and just have to take some antibiotics for the wounds. Doctors are obligate reporters and if you end up needing to go for treatment later on and you tell them it’s an animal bite but can’t provide the animal’s information so they can be quarantined, they’re probably going to (at least try to, don’t know if they can legally force you) make you get the shots anyway. OP, your job should provide some kind of worker’s compensation in these cases since it’s a common work hazard... if not, that just sucks.

Donut_Wizard 23

Everyone is thinking it, so I’m just going I say it. Chinese food... Dogs...

I’d say that was quite... wait on it... unfortunate.

Definitely get your money back on that fortune cookie. That’s not your fortune; that’s your past. Unless..... I’m not sure I’d go to work tomorrow if I were you.

You realize that fortune cookies are usually complimentary at Chinese restaurants, so they’ll be happy to refund the cost to you?

manb91uk 22

It's like a reverse fortune cookie! Instead of showing you the future it's showing the past, what a neat concept!

bigdaddyeric 35

The cookie should have said “’s the size of the BITE of the Dog that counts”

I think the messenger was running behind...