By Anonymous - 12/10/2010 05:46 - United States

Today, I called my mom for her birthday. She started talking about an infomercial she'd seen for a combo bidet-and-dryer, and how she would like to get one so she can feel "fresh down there" without worrying about getting bits of toilet paper on her nether regions. I can't un-hear this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 008
You deserved it 3 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and now we can't "un-hear" this either.. asshole.

Creepy to know that about your Mom (you know that WE can't un-read this, right?) However, I must say, if you ever get the chance to try one of those Japanese robot toilet seats, do it, do it, do it! It's hours of entertainment, especially if you can't understand the labels on the buttons, and have to guess what happens when you press one.


Not for long. You're lucky Anti-Flood Protection stopped me or else I would've been first. :P

Lol, what's the huge hype about being first..? Aha, to OP though, that just sucks.

You spell like a retard. Such a shame.

Hey 1. Not for long. You should be pulled very soon. Who cares that you got first????

elsnappypickle 0

eww lol I've never heard of those things before

You're a girl... she's a girl... How is your life f*cked now? This isn't any worse than talking to her about PMS...

OP, now you know what to get your mom for her birthday! (next year) And you're a girl? That's not such a big deal as I thought before

clivealmighty 0

OH NO what Is this, something down here smells like fish when's the last time you used a sink.. ooooo yo booty stink! I hate to tell ya but I don't wanna smell ya.. oh miss thing you smell so funny won't you wash the coochie honey THE COOCHIE HONEY

thats ummmmm very awkward.... but your mom just wants to feel frisky

Illyssa_fml 4

does your mom scrub her vag with the toilet paper or something?? haha weird

Horde 8

You don't clean yourself after peeing? dirty panties weird :]

Yes, but most women don't scrub at it furiously to the point that the toilet paper falls apart.

Horde 8

there are shitty toilet papers that fall apart at the slightest trace of moisture :( pain in the ass - almost literally - to get rid of it

heyyitshannah 0

ummm....this has fail written all over it.