By Jeff make - 01/04/2012 14:03 - United States - Malvern

Today, I called my girlfriend saying "I think we need to break up." She said "No, I don't think so," and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 410
You deserved it 34 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

g_ayvel 11

I can only imagine what she would do if you told her in person

I can see who wears the pants in the relationship XD But seriously, that sucks T_T


kate1238 9

Actually I found what she replied with funny :)

That's when you scream "April Fools!"

I can imagine her becoming psychotic and end up taking your life and then herself.

I think thats kind of an epic response xD

for some weird reason I read 35's comment in the voice of Smeagle :P

A qoute from sheldon cooper: "got your back jack. Bitches be crazy."

linnie_wesker 20

I've seen this on FML (and various other places) many, many times. Why do you people put up with that? Tell her you're breaking up with her and to leave you alone, if she doesn't then get a restraining order. It's not that hard to figure out. If you try to end a relationship and the other person won't leave you alone, won't that eventually constitute as stalking?

Call her back and say "Let me rephrase that; I'm breaking up with you"