Great gift idea!

By Anonymous - 15/09/2020 08:02 - New Zealand

Today, it was my birthday and my first present was finding out that my girlfriend of five years has been cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 638
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your first present was Day One of your new life.

That's a terrible gift! You should take it back for store credit (or cash if you have the receipt.) Or maybe you could re-gift it to someone you don't particularly like.


That's a terrible gift! You should take it back for store credit (or cash if you have the receipt.) Or maybe you could re-gift it to someone you don't particularly like.

Your first present was Day One of your new life.

Are you a fan of the Montreal Canadiens or the Captain in Moby Dick?

genuinegoodguy 9

Better now than even later. Enjoy the single life for a while and pay her no heed.