By Jeff make - 01/04/2012 14:03 - United States - Malvern

Today, I called my girlfriend saying "I think we need to break up." She said "No, I don't think so," and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 410
You deserved it 34 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

g_ayvel 11

I can only imagine what she would do if you told her in person

I can see who wears the pants in the relationship XD But seriously, that sucks T_T


Ibanez3x 5

This is the first stage of a fatal attraction...

YDI for trying to dump her over the phone.

First of all, what is wrong with her before you break up with her? She apparently likes you.

sickenedwinter86 0

You said it so its over. If she wants to be a child about it then so be it. Move on and stop conversing with her.

Girlybanana 2