By Fack. - 19/02/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, I told my long-distance girlfriend that I just could not handle the distance and we should just be friends. To which she responded, "What? You thought we were going out? Lol". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 989
You deserved it 8 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainCrunch_fml 0

She might have not known! I had someone break up with me and I didn't even know we were "going out".

ifailplzinsultme 0

Yes! How dare a man dump a girl if he's unhappy in a relationship! That's almost illegal! (Note the sarcasm)


CaptainCrunch_fml 0

She might have not known! I had someone break up with me and I didn't even know we were "going out".

allthatandmore 0

I wonder if anyone else knew

xXxRandiexXx 0


this happened to me yesterday too! ugh i feel your pain.

Awesome! Score one for the ladies. It's high time that the shoe be on the other foot. You men fold are so smug thinking that you can just go around breaking hearts and having us ladies eating out of the palm of your hand.

we only do that when were letting you taste the food you just cooked, in the kitchen.

ifailplzinsultme 0

Yes! How dare a man dump a girl if he's unhappy in a relationship! That's almost illegal! (Note the sarcasm)

no wonder guys don't like you, you're annoying as shit

madgrinchhatter 12

Well someone had their daily dose of bitch today. Bitter much?

holy shit shut up. He broke up with her because he wasn't happy with the distance not to break her heart.

They did this on the drew carry show. The guy didn't know he was dating quiet a few people. I am sure you will find someone. Make sure she knows you are dating her. rofl.

I agree with #16. For as many men that are smug and break hearts, there are just as many women that can tear a guy up inside.

Camer0ne 0

Or are just cheating *****.

There's a reason the book is called, "He's Just Not That Into You." It even spurred a movie that was actually pretty good. Yeah, there are women that play games; however, we usually say, "Hey, I'm just not that into you." Men go around playing the games because they hold the cards. As much as they would like to think women control the balance of power, it's really men who do. Men are the ones who set the pace for how fast the relationship moves, if there is one at all. It's men who define what's going on, and we have to go with it or get lost. I usually choose the latter. It's men who drag their feet when it comes to committing, not women. Gents, read the book and/or watch the movie. I'm more than certain you will see yourselves in one or more of those scenarios in which you give a woman some lame excuse, when you aren't "that into her." Btw, I have pretty good taste in men. My judgment is pretty impeccable, which is why I have come to the conclusion that if I really want the whole kit n' caboodle and all of the wonderful qualities that make a relationship worthwhile, I need a girlfriend, because men just don't get it. Alas, I will have to make due with the male species.

Bently24 6

Damn, hella long comment. I skimmed through what you wrote but I think you just need to calm down.