By Xbieblette51 - 19/08/2014 22:30 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, I called my boyfriend to let him know that I'm pregnant. He instantly replied "Bullshit!", then hung up and apparently skipped town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 828
You deserved it 6 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he's your ex-boyfriend now. If he decides to ditch you with the baby then try to get him to pay child support.

That's ok, you're a strong independent (insert race here) woman who don't need no man! *Insert finger snaps*


Wait wait, you CALLED your boyfriend to tell him you're pregnant?!

that's why children should wait to have sex till they are ready for children, or disease. whichever comes first without condoms.

We all wish you the best of luck with raising your baby, you'll be great..... Definitely make him pay child support, he doesn't deserve any woman. Stay strong.

I fell bad for the baby. It has asshole of a dad

KayleeFrye 39

Has anyone ever told you that protection is not 100% guaranteed?

You probably should've told him in person..that doesn't really seem like something to talk to someone about over the phone

YDI for not using protection. I hope you're not one of those immature, irresponsible teenage girls who gets knocked up and winds up living off our tax money because you and your boyfriend didn't think of the ancient rule of "no glove, no love."

KayleeFrye 39

Who says they didn't use protection? Birth control is not 100%, you know!

dDailydDosage 8

You made two fatal errors: 1.) you told him over the phone. Important news like that should be done in person. 2.) your choice of boyfriend. Luckily for you and your baby, he is no longer in the picture. Single parenting is hard but it has been done successfully. And one day, who knows, you may find the right guy to fill in the daddy shoes. I'm wishing the best of luck to you and your baby ! :)