By Xbieblette51 - 19/08/2014 22:30 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, I called my boyfriend to let him know that I'm pregnant. He instantly replied "Bullshit!", then hung up and apparently skipped town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 828
You deserved it 6 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he's your ex-boyfriend now. If he decides to ditch you with the baby then try to get him to pay child support.

That's ok, you're a strong independent (insert race here) woman who don't need no man! *Insert finger snaps*


Atalia 17

Thats why you always tell them in person.

Well I think you are now on your own...hope he helps in child support Or he might have left to freak out a bit and or celebrate But my bet is in the first

It sucks that's he's run off, don't get me wrong. But you decided to tell him you were pregnant over the phone? Isn't that kinda thing worth a face to face anymore?

nitrog100 21

You completely deserve it for dating the kind of guy who would do that.

How did she know he would do that though? It's not her fault. Plus, it sounds like it was unplanned, so they probably never talked about having a baby.

Yes it is difficult actually. These guys don't walk around with "I'm an irresponsible deadbeat" stamped on their foreheads. You have no way of accurately knowing how someone will react to unexpected/unplanned news like this until it happens. Sometimes the most irresponsible seeming guys clean up their act and become fantastic fathers and sometimes it's the nicest seeming guys who run the fastest

Unless he has other kids that he does not take care of there is no way to predict what he would do. Now if he has other kids and you knew he flaked on them then she should if guessed he would do the same to her.

That sucks. But guess what? It doesn't hurt so bad that you went and posted it here.

Well, his reaction might also depend on both your age... Just saying.

He's not a real man. Having a kid is wonderful, not everyone gets to enjoy that part of life. So take advantage of being a parent and forget the ****** who left you. Plus side you'll find a real man who will love to take care of you and your kid, best of luck O.P.

Um, not everyone wants to "enjoy" that part of life. Including, for all we know, OP...she may have been trying to talk to him about different options that didn't include raising a child.

The downsides of avoiding birth control, ladies and gentlemen! Unless OP had planned for this... which seems unlikely given the result of the post.

We don't know that there wasn't any birth control

I am pretty sure if there was a case of failed birth control, it would form part of the FML.

Not necessarily. There is a character limit on FMLs.

Yes #97, this particular FML is SO long that fitting in an extra couple of words would have exceeded the limit. Tell me more :)