By Xbieblette51 - 19/08/2014 22:30 - United States - Lynnwood

Today, I called my boyfriend to let him know that I'm pregnant. He instantly replied "Bullshit!", then hung up and apparently skipped town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 827
You deserved it 6 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he's your ex-boyfriend now. If he decides to ditch you with the baby then try to get him to pay child support.

That's ok, you're a strong independent (insert race here) woman who don't need no man! *Insert finger snaps*


If he skipped town, then he didn't deserve to be the father of your child, my dad may have been zig zagging throughout my entire life, but at least he was there and tried to help whenever he could. Chin up OP, and know that if he left, you're probably better off without him

Just watch. He'll magically show up when the child turns 18 and he wants to bum some cash or "catching-up sympathy time" off of him/her by playing the, "But I'm your father," trump card. It happened to me with my dad; I wouldn't be surprised if this happens to your kid, too, if this is what the father is doing.

I hate how guys do that. I mean if I were a guy and I got a girl pregnant, I'd support her. It's very irresponsible to run from the problem. Some guys are just assholes.

Maybe it needs to sink in properly congrats


Axel5238 29

I feel bad for the guy and the OP. A child is a lot to handle especially if it is unplanned and he may not be finically able to support a kid. If the OP does decide to have the baby she could put him in a situation that could ruin his life and force him to pay for the child whether he can afford it or not.

That's what happens when you can't keep it in your pants. Think about your actions before you make them so this doesn't happen people. There is no excuse to skirt responsibility just because you wanted a lay.

Axel5238 29

True, but the choice whether or not she wants to keep the baby is hers no matter what the bf thinks she could force him into it. Plus we don't even know if the OP is stable enough money wise to have a kid. Lots of people have kids whether or not they can take care of them

That's why you say news like that face to face

Macherni 5

Went and chased another one away, did you?