By highlandgirl10 - 21/07/2010 20:31 - Canada

Today, I brought my boyfriend of a year and a half to meet my parents. Turns out he dated my mom. This should be a fun dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 091
You deserved it 6 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait. hold on. confused. so, is he as old as your parents? did he date your mom before she got married? or, did your mom recently get remarried, and in the mean time decided to pay a visit to cougar town? or did she cheat on your dad? i don't know what to think about all of this. i'm going to make myself a smoothie.


doglover100 28
Alex08040214 7
checkurselfxxx 11

how much older is your boyfriend to you?

Tonight on an all new how I met your mother...

Oh. So basically you share sex partners with your mom... Close family I see lol

xxWTFxx1981 23

brings a whole new meaning to keeo it in the family huh lol