By highlandgirl10 - 21/07/2010 20:31 - Canada

Today, I brought my boyfriend of a year and a half to meet my parents. Turns out he dated my mom. This should be a fun dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 091
You deserved it 6 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait. hold on. confused. so, is he as old as your parents? did he date your mom before she got married? or, did your mom recently get remarried, and in the mean time decided to pay a visit to cougar town? or did she cheat on your dad? i don't know what to think about all of this. i'm going to make myself a smoothie.


Perhaps this point has already been brought up because it seems obvious but I'm not reading all those comments above to make sure. Anyway, he dated your mom and you never met him then? This means he dated your mom before you were born or were too young to remember. Which means there's a major age gap. There's also the possibility that your mom never bothered to introduce her boyfriend to you while they were dating. Either situation is ****** up.

eeew that's just wrong. young mom or older bf?!

Casanova had a thing like this and he turned it into a threeway. at least your boyfriend is comparable to him. though i am not sure that is a good thing.

I wish this was facebook and I could just "like" things instead.

I wish op would explain the whole story now, it's got me curious

tide remake - get out of the old and into the new loll mom-old doughter-new jus for the ppl tht r stupid

At least you know he'll still find you attractive twenty years down the line.